About Us

 When we heard George Floyd say "I can't breathe," as a nation, we all stopped breathing.  But then many brave souls took a deep breath, put on their masks, and took to the streets, fists in the air, to protest.

We're a mixed race family living in a small town. We wanted to join the fight, join the conversation, do something, anything, in our little corner of the world that could help instigate change. When we saw D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser paint "Black Lives Matter" in big yellow letters in front of the White House, we were inspired.  We sat down as a family, designed a poster, went to our local print shop, printed it out, and planted it in our yard.

We knew there had to be others in our community who felt the same way.  So the next day, we went back, made 100 yard signs, and handed them out to anyone who wanted to let their views be known.  In less than a week, we were out of signs.

This site is for people who want to show that they care.  In these times, it may not be possible for many of us to go out and protest.  We hope that these signs, t-shirts, and buttons give you a way to make your voice heard and let your community know where you stand.
The preamble to our constitution starts: "We the people, in order to form a more perfect union. . ."  More than 200 years after these words were written, there is still work we need to do, freedoms we need to protect, and laws we need to revise, as we continue to strive for that "more perfect union."
Together, let us encourage everyone around us to be the change we want to see in the world. Let us stand together, united for justice.